Company news

Have your coffee à la Prestigio

The recently opened Nicosian branch of Press Café, one of the most popular cafes chains of Canada, keeps enjoying immense popularity among coffee and gadget lovers. Besides high quality food and deliciously brewed coffee, the guests are offered Prestigio MultiPad Tablet PCs and a wireless Internet access for their use during their visit. The first hour is free, every other hour cost EUR 5 only. 

The guests of the Presse Cafe use this offer a lot, which has a big ecological side effects: not less than 300 newspaper copies per month are replaced by the MultiPads. The guests now get access to all their favorite newspapers and magazines by scrolling through online editions on the sleek devices from Prestigio.

Presse Cafe also sells MultiPads and especially Prestigio USB Flash devices. These are within a price range that fit in a budget for instant buying decisions.  




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Aplikace Prestigio eReader 3.0

Prestigio představuje aktualizovanou verzi aplikace Prestigio eReader pro systém Android, jež nově podporuje i technologii DRM.

Prestigio eReader aplikácia 3.0

Populárna aplikácia na čítanie e-kníh v novej verzii.

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